
Hi! I'm just getting started in writing, and I'm posting some of my experiments and other short stories here. Offline, I'm working on building my "rejection slip collection" with other stories.

Please enjoy the short stories and writing experiments I've posted here. I always enjoy constructive criticism.

I'm very interested in improving my abilities as an author, and I like to experiment with different genres and story ideas when I write. A lot of what I'll be posting here will be somewhat unfinished, I figure I'd rather post and learn what I can than have something never get written because I fret too much about how it will turn out.

Thanks for coming!

06 September 2014

Analysing Ken Follet's The Pillars of the Earth

In the novel The Pillars of Earth, the author uses dialogue in several ways. One of the first examples of this is the dialogue of the author, himself, as he gives a description of a town. The dialogue here doesn't demonstrate a specific character through the voice. Instead, he uses the description of the town to convey it's character: from the small, bratty boys, to the old women who scare even the young men.

Another example of dialogue comes from a hanging. The man being hung conveys an unique character by doing the unexpected. The author voices the thoughts of the towns folks by saying that, at hangings, those that are being hung usually curse out those who are hanging them or they pray to God for mercy. The man individualizes himself by singing to his love. The song he sings is a sad one, about how a hunter goes out and catches a lark, and how the lark can't escape. Through this song, we discover that the man has no unreal hopes or expectations; he understands fully what is to come. But, in spite of his situation, he attempts to comfort his love through a song.

Another instance where the author indicates a character through dialogue is when the man's love curses those that tried and ultimately ended up hanging him. She does not inflict a curse on them that will effect them physically, but one that will effect them emotionally. She curses them that their children will meet the same fate as her love. She seems to know that the death of a loved one is more harmful and damaging than the death of one's self.

Another instance of dialogue indicates the main character to be a man is clear-thinking and driven by his dreams and aspirations. The author indicates this through the character's internal dialogue, how he is always going on about becoming the master builder of a cathedral. He talks to his wife about it, and although she is upset by their constant moving around for his aspiration.

Another indication of this character through dialogue is when he is confronted by an angry lord after the lord nearly runs over his little daughter. He is so driven by his rage that he demands immediate payment for himself and his workers. This dialogue indicates that this man is strong, but at his strongest when he is confronted by that which would bring nothing but fear and supplication from others.

- See more at: http://ninjaobsessed.com/writings/amaportap2.shtml#sthash.TlD2OZzY.dpuf

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