
Hi! I'm just getting started in writing, and I'm posting some of my experiments and other short stories here. Offline, I'm working on building my "rejection slip collection" with other stories.

Please enjoy the short stories and writing experiments I've posted here. I always enjoy constructive criticism.

I'm very interested in improving my abilities as an author, and I like to experiment with different genres and story ideas when I write. A lot of what I'll be posting here will be somewhat unfinished, I figure I'd rather post and learn what I can than have something never get written because I fret too much about how it will turn out.

Thanks for coming!

11 August 2008

An Outtake From My Day

I had been working on making some Teriyaki chicken, with an open bottle and a closed bottle of Teriyaki sauce. I had finished the opened bottle and set it on the counter(I thought) and began opened the previously unopened bottle. When I turned back to the counter, the bottle I had finished was missing. All that was left was a solitary cap. I began looking furiously around where I had been standing when I set the finished bottle down, for I feared someone finding the bottle and saying the equivalent of "What the...?! What is this bottle doing here? Good grief, it's all moldy!" and then, being blamed. After looking throroughly on the counters and in the trash can, I became convinced that the imps had stolen the bottle for some devious purpose. After I began pouring more Teriyaki sauce on the chicken that remained, my friend(who was making a salad at the time) looked into the trash can and said, "Hey! I see a nutrition facts label!" Sure enough, when I had moved the trash around so that I could see the rest of the label, it was the missing Teriyaki bottle I had left "on the counter." I still think the imps did it. Not long after, I began looking for the cap to the "missing bottle." When I informed my friend of this, she looked meaningfully in the trash can. I smacked her.

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