It was early in the morning when Marcus got ready to leave for school. Marcus was a sophomore in high school with brown hair and blue eyes. He had just enough time to write in his journal before his mom finished cooking breakfast.
Sept. 1 Today is my first day of school as a sophomore. I wonder if I’ll have any friends this year. Being a freshman sucked. Everyone picked on me. I’ve got to go now, Mom finished breakfast.
At the dining table, Marcus sucked down his pancakes at a rate that surprised his father.
“Slow down, Marc, it’s only the first day of school.” He chuckled. “There’s no rush to leave yet.” Marcus got up, and then took his plate to the sink.
“’Bye, Mom and Dad,” Marcus said just before he rushed out the door.
Marcus stared, glassy-eyed, at the teacher. He had to keep himself awake until the end of class. The bell rang. He shoved his stuff into his backpack, then ran to the front of the room.
“Thank you for the lesson, sir,” Marcus said to the teacher.
“Anytime, Timothy,” the teacher replied.
Marcus walked out of the classroom, then into the hall. He opened his locker and pulled out a stick of gum he had been saving. He put the gum in his mouth, then walked out of the school. He crossed over a quiet street that was near his home to a sidewalk with a retaining wall on one side. Suddenly, a boy stepped out of the wall in front of Marcus. Marcus’s eyes lit up.
“Wow! How’d you do that?” he asked. “I wish I could do that.”
“I just do it. My name is Sam, what’s yours?” the boy, Sam, replied.
“Marcus. Could you teach me how to walk through walls?” Marcus asked.
“No,” Sam replied. Marcus looked sad. “But I could teach you how to fly.”
“Alright! When do we start?” Marcus said, as he approached his house’s driveway.
“Tomorrow, see you then!” Sam walked away.
Marcus rushed into his house. “Hi, Mom. I’m home!” he said.
“I made a friend today. His name is Sam.”
“That’s nice, dear,” his mom said from the kitchen. “Help me with the dishes will you?” Marcus dropped his backpack, then joined his mom in the kitchen.
Sept. 2 Yesterday, I made a new friend! His name is Sam. He can walk through walls. He’s going to teach me how to fly! I can hardly wait ‘til after school. I can’t wait until I can fly off buildings! That will be so cool!
Marcus was walking along the wall where he met Sam. And again, Sam walked out of the wall in the same place as before.
“Ready to start, then?” he asked.
“Am I ever!” Marcus replied.
“Okay, let’s start low, then we’ll work our way up. Now think a happy thought.” Marcus got a dreamy look on his face. “Concentrate on that thought. Now, let go of gravity...” Sam continued tutoring Marcus like this for quite some time, until “Okay, that’s enough for one day,” Sam said.
“Can you come home with me?” Marcus asked, ”I want you to meet my mom.”
“Okay... but she may not see me.”
“I can see you just fine. Come on!” Marcus dragged Sam into his front yard. “Stay here, I’ll get my mom,” Marcus said. Marcus stepped inside his house.
“Hi, mom. I’m home! Sam’s here, too. Would you like to meet him?”
“Marcus, I want you to clean your room right this instant! You should have cleaned it yesterday!” his mom yelled.
“But, Sam!” Marcus started.
“He can wait. Now clean your room! Now!” Marcus skittered up the stairs like a frightened chipmunk. Marcus’s mom stepped outside.
“I’m sorry, Sam, but Marcus has to clean his room...?” Marcus’s mom said. She looked around. “Sam?”
Marcus’s bedroom door opened to reveal his mom. She looked rather worried.
“Sam wasn’t outside,” she said. Marcus looked out the window.
“I guess he left,” he said. “Did I tell you he can walk through walls?” His mom looked partially relieved, but still somewhat worried.
“Marc, you’re too old to have imaginary friends anymore,” she said.
“Clean your room, now! It’s a mess!”
“He’s not imaginary,” Marcus mumbled as his mom shut his door. “He’s just impatient. That’s all.” He flung a T-shirt into his hamper.
“I’m not impatient,” Sam said as he walked through Marcus’s closed door. “Let’s get this room cleaned. Then we can work on your homework.” Marcus grimaced.
“You’re worse than a parent,” he said.
Sept. 9 Sam and I have been working on flying for about a week now. I think I can almost fly. I’ve been getting lighter each session. We are going to try to fly off a building today. I can’t wait! Sam says I should be able to do it. Sam is my only friend so far. Sam’s going to my school today.
“Bye, Mom and Dad!” Marcus called to his parents as he went out the door. As he stepped outside he saw Sam waiting for him. Marcus grinned. “Alright, then,” he said. He and Sam walked on the sidewalk to school. He went past the retaining wall and came to the door of the school.
“Are you sure your teachers won’t mind me?” Sam asked Marcus.
“Positive,” Marcus said. “The other kids do it all the time, and the teachers don’t even comment. I’ll ask if it makes you feel better.”
“Okay...” Sam said, not entirely convinced it would be all right. The walked into a classroom.
“Sir? Would it be alright if my friend participated in my classes today?” Marcus asked his teacher.
“Hmm? Sure,” the teacher said. Marcus grinned.
“See?” Marcus said. He smirked. “The teachers don’t worry about much here,” Marcus said as he walked to his seat. As he walked by the other peoples seats, the students in them gave
Marcus confused looks. Sam eyed them all wearily.
“They can’t see me, Marcus,” he whispered. Marcus raised an eyebrow at Sam.
“Sure they can, they just don’t recognize you. Stop worrying, Okay?” Sam looked tired as Marcus finished this statement. Marcus and Sam took a seat.
Marcus looked down. And down. And down.
“Your sure I’m ready?” Marcus asked rather uncertainly.
“Of course I’m sure you’re ready!” Sam said. “I’ve been working with you for a week now. You’ve got to be ready. If you can’t, then I’m a very incapable teacher. But I’m not, so you will fly.”
“Why did I even doubt you?” Marcus said. “I trust you, Sam. I feel ready, it was just a fleeting doubt. Okay then. I’m ready!”
“Find your happy thought. On the count of three: one, two, three!” Marcus and Sam jumped...
Marcus’s mom looked around. She could have sworn she heard Marcus. Then she looked up. What was Marcus doing up there?...! He jumped off! She dropped the groceries she was holding and ran to where she saw Marcus jump. She heard a sickening thud.
“Marcus, no!” she screamed as she saw him lying on the ground in a heap. She ran to his side and collapsed next to his body. She tenderly lifted his head and cradled it in her arms. Tears were flowing down her face. Marcus groaned.
“Mom?” Marcus said feebly.
“Marcus, honey, it’s me,” his mom said. “Oh, honey, I thought you were dead!” she said as she drew Marcus into a hug. “What am I thinking? You need to go to a hospital!” she said. She pulled her cellphone out of her pocket and dialed 911. Ringing, then an answer. “My son just jumped off a building,” she said hurriedly. “I need an ambulance.”
“Where are you, ma’am?” the person on the phone said.
“82nd street, twenty feet from the intersection. Near the gas station.”
“Thank you ma’am. An ambulance will be there shortly.”
Sam walked through the door to where Marcus was in the emergency room, in traction.
“You were wrong,” Marcus groaned. “I couldn’t fly.”
“You just need more work, that’s all,” Sam said. “You were close, almost there! I just know it!”
“No more buildings,” Marcus said through gasps of pain. “Not yet, at least.”
“Yeah. I’m really sorry, Marcus. I was so sure that you could that I didn’t notice the danger signs, one of which being you doubting that you can. When you can really fly, you know it. You become so sure that you can do it, that you’re practically flying before you jump. I’m sorry, Marcus, I should have called it off.” Sam dropped
his head. “I should be in there, not you.”
Marcus groaned.
“It’s okay, Sam. Just don’t let me jump next time if you have even the slightest doubt, if even for one millisecond you wonder if I can actually do it.”
“Right,” Sam said, brightening up a little. “Well, I’ll go now. Bye!” Sam walked out the door. Marcus’s mom and dad entered the room.
“How are you feeling, son?” his dad said.
“Not great, but okay...”
Dec. 25 Christmas is here! I finally got out of the hospital. That doctor was sure my ribs were still broken, even though the X-ray showed them all healed up. Well, I’m back, and happy to be here! Look out, world, here I come!
“Wow, Mom! A sweater! Thanks! Go on, Mom, open your present!” Marcus said on Christmas morning. His mom was staring at the present from Marcus in her lap.
“I can’t help but think that you could be dead now, Marc. Thank goodness you’re still here,” his mom said as she wiped a tear from her eye.
“Oh, come on, Mom, none of that please. Just open your present.”
“Okay, dear... Oh! It’s a family photo!” His mom drew him into a tight hug.
“Would be all right if I hung out with Sam after breakfast?” Marcus asked. His parents looked at each other. “What?”
“Marc, we would like to spend today together as family, please?” his father pleaded.
“But... but... Okay,” Marcus said. His parents sighed with relief.
“I figured we could go out for breakfast,” his mom said. “Maybe Denny’s, or something.”
“Sounds great, honey, let’s do it,” his dad replied.
Jan. 7 Well, school’s back in session now. My flying lessons will also continue with Sam. I can’t wait until I can really fly! That will be soooo cool!
“Now, concentrate on that thought. Good! Good!” Sam said. Marcus couldn’t feel the ground any more with his feet. “Come back down now!” Sam’s voice seemed distant and quiet. He felt the sudden jolt go through his feet that meant he was back on ground. “That was great! I definitely think you’re ready now.” Sam grinned at Marcus.
“I know I’m ready,” Marcus replied. “Let’s go to that building, again.” Marcus grabbed Sam’s hand and concentrated really hard. He flew Sam and himself to the top of that familiar building.
“One, two, three! Good luck!” Sam shouted as Marcus fell away from him. That ground was getting a bit too close for comfort, when he felt a sudden jolt run through his body as he flew upward. He saw Sam’s face go past his, but for some reason, he was still looking down. Marcus saw the shining points of the buildings as they went past him. He saw the beautiful sunset. Why do I keep going up? he wondered. He felt another jolt run through his body.
He looked down to see a medic with a defibrillator over his body.
Marcus opened his eyes. He saw his parents faces swimming into focus over his own. “Mom? Dad?” he tried to say, but all that came out was: “Mu... de...”
“Shhh, honey. Don’t talk.” his mom said. Several minutes later when Marcus had recovered, his dad said: “Marc, what possessed you to jump off that building? Again?!”
“Sam said I could fly. I believed him.” Marcus said. His parents looked at each other with sadness in their eyes.
“Marcus, Sam isn’t real. He never was. He never will be,” his mother said.
“He is real! He’s my only friend.” Marcus yelled. “The only one I’ve ever had,” Marcus whispered. “I did fly, mom, dad. I saw the sunset, I saw the tops of buildings. I know I flew. I felt it. No matter what you tell me, I know I flew!”
Marcus sat in a padded white room in a straight jacket. He was rocking back and forth. Marcus stopped rocking and looked up to the door. Sam was standing in front of it.
“Long time, no see,” Marcus said through gritted teeth. “They say you’re not real. I don’t believe them. I see you for my self: you are real.”
“Yeah, about that. You’re not crazy,” Sam said.
“Huh?” said Marcus.
“I’m only allowed to show myself to one person. I thought I could teach you how to fly. I was wrong. I’ll leave you now. I’ve already caused you enough pain as it is. Good-bye, friend.” Sam turned around and walked out the door.
“Good-bye... and thanks for being my friend.” Marcus said quietly.
Feb. 14 I finally got out of the insane asylum just in time for Valentine’s Day at school. I miss Sam. I kind of wish he would come back.
Marcus was sitting at a lunch table alone, quickly eating his lunch so he could get to a class room and wait for class to start again.
“Well, I like him, even if he was at a mental clinic,” a girl was saying to another girl. The first girl had dirty blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. She marched over to Marcus’s table and sat on the other side from him. “Hello,” she said. “My name is Samantha,
but you can call me Sam.” She smiled at him. Marcus grinned then looked up at Samantha, or Sam.
“I used to have a friend named Sam,” he said to her. He paused. “Do you like drawing? I can draw a pretty good dog.”
Hi! I'm just getting started in writing, and I'm posting some of my experiments and other short stories here. Offline, I'm working on building my "rejection slip collection" with other stories.
Please enjoy the short stories and writing experiments I've posted here. I always enjoy constructive criticism.
I'm very interested in improving my abilities as an author, and I like to experiment with different genres and story ideas when I write. A lot of what I'll be posting here will be somewhat unfinished, I figure I'd rather post and learn what I can than have something never get written because I fret too much about how it will turn out.
Thanks for coming!